the Par-Fect Golf Solution
Our sod is cut to 2.5” in the field throughout production time, giving you maximum flexibility to begin training it to a lower height as quickly as two weeks after installation.
We understand the turf you install is an investment in the beauty and value of your course. And we know you have a choice of what kind of turf you use. With that in mind we like to keep our focus on the five fundamental needs golf course superintendents want:
You want your course to look exceptional.
You want your turf to enhance golfers' experiences and increase membership.
You want your turf to be a safe playing surface.
You want to save money through minimal turf maintenance.
You want to be environmentally responsible.
Tommy Feller from Cedar Rapids Country Club interview after major renovations
At Blue Grass Enterprises, we continually strive to help you fulfill these needs. When you install our turf, be assured you are installing the finest quality sod. We’ve spent decades using National Turfgrass Evaluation Program trial results from 26 land grant universities and our own trials to research, analyze, and identify the best varieties and techniques to grow high-quality sod.
After selecting elite cultivars for genetic traits such as drought tolerance, color, disease and insect resistance, and growth habit, we blend our cultivars on-site, ensuring that we always know exactly what is growing in our fields. Our seed management gives us unparalleled control over the final quality of our product, ensuring your finished product will be truly perfect. Read more about our seed varieties here.
We are confident that our Master Blend sod will save you time and money while giving you the best looking, best performing, and most environmentally responsible course money can buy.
Master Blend is custom-blended on-site at our farm of three elite, compact-growth Kentucky bluegrass cultivars. These cultivars have been bred to be capable of being trained to a height of 1/4”.
In 2023, Kirkwood College in Cedar Rapids performed a height-of-cut study using our sod to determine how it would perform in a tee box setting (pictured left).
Professor Shane Chapman had this to say in his final summary of the project:
“Last year, as part of a class project, we constructed a golf tee box and opted for Kentucky bluegrass sod from Blue Grass Enterprises for the turf establishment. The results have been remarkable. The quality of the sod has allowed us to maintain a dark green, dense turf canopy, even with mowing as low as 0.5 inches. Notably, we achieved this while reducing our irrigation and fungicide applications.” - Shane Chapman
Master Blend will go to seed at a height of approximately 18”.
Call us (319-842-2165) to set up a tour of our products or to discuss your needs for your next bid or quote.
You may have questions about sodding vs seeding for your project. Or you may be interested in taking some soil samples to ensure the best possible outcome for your clients. Click here for instructions on how to take accurate soil samples.
““We purchased roughly 10 acres of Master Blend sod from Blue Grass Enterprises. The turf was exceptional. The personal service I received from the entire company was outstanding. I would recommend Blue Grass Enterprises if you are serious about installing the best turf possible””