master blend
Available in Sod and Seed
There are over
350 cultivars of
Kentucky bluegrass.
Each of those cultivars behaves and looks differently, just like how different breeds of dogs look different, despite all being dogs!
100% elite Kentucky bluegrass cultivars. Master Blend is a blend of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars selected from the best of the best. Dark green, lush, and low-growing saving you time and money while providing years of enjoyment. Universities nationwide test hundreds of cultivars yearly for characteristics like disease and insect resistance, drought, wear and shade tolerance, growth rate (for less mowing), and color qualities. From these results, and our 50 years of experience, we select cultivars that will provide you with a naturally dark green, thick, and luxurious trouble-free lawn.
From home lawns to sports fields and golf courses, Master Blend is the standard of excellence.
How do I seed? When do I seed in Iowa!? Should I Overseed? So many questions!
For information on how to seed and the best timing and techniques for seeding in Iowa, click here. Specific information about dormant seeding techniques can be found here. As a reminder, we do not recommend overseeding your lawn for the goal of thickening your grass. If that information surprises you, you should definitely read this article!
Finally, people are often surprised to learn that sodding an area, especially for small repair jobs, is often more economical, requires less water, and is a lovely form of instant gratification. So before you go too far down the seed rabbit hole, you might want to consider calling us for a quote for a few pieces of sod instead! 319-842-2165
Available in Seed
master blend
100% Kentucky Bluegrass blend (elite cultivars) that matches the sod at Blue Grass Enterprises. This seed is ideal for those looking for a top-quality lawn. Half a day of direct sunlight is recommended.
10# bag (3,000 sq/ft of coverage)
25# bag (7,000 sq/ft of coverage)
Nu Lawn
50% Kentucky Bluegrass (elite cultivars), 30% Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Creeping Fescue - Great if you’re looking for a top-quality, faster germinating seeded lawn. Three hours (or more) of direct sunlight is recommended.
10# bag (2,000 sq/ft of coverage)
25# bag (5,500 sq/ft of coverage)
dense shade
25% Kentucky Bluegrass, 25% Chewing Fescue, 25% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Hard Fescue - Designed for areas that receive two or more hours of direct sunlight. Works best in well-drained soil with moderate fertility.
10# bag (1,700 sq/ft of coverage)
Miniclover & Kentucky bluegrass
“MiniClover” Microclover
A perennial, drought-tolerant white clover growing to approximately 4 - 6 inches tall can serve as a lawn alternative or a partner to mix with your lawn grass. Miniclover®, a tiny leaved white clover, also produces stolons to spread over the ground. Clover's ability to pull nitrogen from the air and convert it to a usable form by the plants makes it a great companion for turf grass varieties. Please note that including clovers of any kind in your lawn will limit your ability to control other weeds.
Special order item
Wildflower & Native Grass Seeds
Midwest Mix: Annuals and Perennials for Sun 8” - 36” tall - Contains Purple Coneflower, Annual Candytuft, Annual Baby’s Breath, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Blue Cornflower, Scarlet Flax, Shasta Daisy, Indian Blanket, Clasping Coneflower, Mixed Corn Poppy, Purple Prairie Clover, Mexican Hat, Black-Eyed Susan, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Giant Hyssop, New England Aster
.5 oz bag (1,000 sq/ft)
The Midwest Seed Mixture contains annuals and perennials for ornamental landscaping in the Midwestern U.S. and south-central Canada. This area includes IL, IN, IA, eastern KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, eastern NE, OH, WI, and the southern halves of Manitoba and Ontario.
Shade Mix: Annuals and Perennials for Partial Shade (1 - 4 hours of direct sunlight per day) 6” - 36” tall - Contains Forget-Me-Not, Baby Blue Eyes, Annual Candytuft, Annual Baby’s Breath, Purple Coneflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Rocket Larkspur, Mixed Corn Poppy, Chinese Houses, Alaska Shasta Daisy, Sweet William Pinks, Tall Purred Snapdragon, Johnny Jump-Up, Clarkia, Dwarf Columbine, Giant Columbine, Tussock Bellflower
.5 oz bag (1,000 sq/ft)
The Shade Mix should work well in the entire US and most of southern Canada.
It is also possible for us to order native prairie grass seed for your projects. Examples of these grasses include Big Bluestem (15-20 lbs/acre), Indian Grass (15-20 lbs/acre), Little Bluestem (15-20 lbs/acre) & Orchard Grass (5-6 lbs/acre).
Other Products
Demonstrating a Brouwer installer
For larger jobs, there are two options for sod installers.
Our Big Roll Installers (Brouwers) can save you time (see video).
A Brouwer is available to rent in 24-hour increments. We can deliver it with the sod and show you how easy it is to operate. A Brouwer weighs 1,100# and is 82” wide; this is important information for when you are returning the equipment to us after your project is finished.
3-Point Hitches are also available for installation for customers using their own tractors or skid loaders.
New Brouwer demonstration video
Easy-Set Mole Eliminator Trap
We carry a professional grade spreader for homeowners called the Anderson 2000. This spreader has rubber tires, and a stainless steel frame, and is a significant upgrade over plastic spreaders available at most big box stores.
6” x 2” sod staples for use when installing sod on a severe slope.
We highly recommend that you strap down your sod before leaving our sod farm. For your convenience, we do offer a ratchet strap that works well for doing just that.
Moles can destroy a lawn quickly. We offer the Eliminator Mole Trap to rid your lawn of these pesky critters. The Eliminator is easy to use and very effective. Check out this article for trap placement pro tips as you consider how best to defend your lawn from these furry invaders!