Can A Sod Supplier Be a Literal Game-Changer?
Absolutely. We at Blue Grass Enterprises understand the five fundamental needs sports field managers want from their sod. You want:
Casey Schidel of Iowa Sports Turf reflects on his history using Blue Grass sod on sports field projects near and far
Your natural grass sports fields to look great for your, and your customer’s, brand
Your natural grass fields to enhance athletic performance
Your natural grass must be a safe playing surface that reduces injuries
Your natural grass maintenance to be minimal, efficient, and to save you time and labor
You want to be environmentally responsible
At Blue Grass Enterprises, we continually strive to help you fulfill these needs. When you install our turf be assured you are installing the finest quality sod. We’ve spent decades using National Turfgrass Evaluation Program trial results from 26 land grant universities and on-the-farm testing to research, analyze, and identify the best varieties and techniques for growing high-quality sod.
After selecting elite cultivars for genetic traits such as drought tolerance, color, disease and insect resistance, and growth habit, we blend our cultivars on-site, ensuring that we always know exactly what is growing in our fields. Our seed management gives us unparalleled control over the final quality of our product, ensuring your finished product will be truly perfect. Read more about our seed varieties here.
We are confident that our Master Blend sod will save you time and money while giving you the best looking, best performing, and most environmentally responsible field money can buy.
Is your organization having a discussion about installing natural turf or artificial turf? Below you will find a few recent studies and articles relevant to conversations regarding natural grass vs artificial turf fields.
While artificial turf has made improvements over the years, artificial turf manufacturers spend billions to simulate the exceptional playing surface that only natural grass provides. No matter what you call it - Artificial Turf, Synthetic Turf, or Plastic Grass - it is a fact that artificial surfaces lack most of the benefits provided by natural turfgrass. Many athletes, coaches, parents, and spectators take for granted the significant benefits of natural grass.
Some of the obvious advantages of natural grass include that it helps prevent skin abrasions, is significantly cooler (up to 55 degrees) in the summer heat, creates oxygen, consumes CO2, it filters rainwater, it has naturally occurring microbes to break down organic matter like sweat and spit.
Natural grass does not need to be treated with antibiotics, be professionally patched when tears occur, or be replaced when gum gets stuck in the plastic blades.
Choosing the best playing surface for our children and athletes should not be taken lightly. Anyone interested in the safety of players or a sustainable future should be fully informed about the benefits of natural turfgrass to our ecosystem and concerned about the potential negative impact of using synthetic surfaces - including recent allegations of artificial turf materials being carcinogens (a substance capable of causing cancer). For more information, read "The Dirt on Turf".
Call us (319-842-2165) to set up a tour of our products or to discuss your needs for your next bid or quote.
You may have questions about sodding vs seeding for your project. Click here for some basic information on the products we carry. Interested in taking some soil samples to ensure the best possible outcome for your clients? Click here for instructions on how to take accurate soil samples.
“Blue Grass Enterprises provided low-mow bluegrass (Master Blend) for our baseball field renovation in 2008. The sod was delivered in a timely manner, it was very uniform, weed free, consistent and obviously grown in great soil. Since then, our field has performed excellent as the bluegrass continues to have excellent uniformity, great color, awesome playability, all with a low height of cut. Players and coaches both love it. I have extreme confidence and know what to expect when getting sod from Bluegrass Enterprises - a great product, excellent customer service, sponsorship for local turfgrass organizations and the newest and best sod varieties!”
Jason Koester, CGCS
Sports Turf Manager
Grinnell College