Bluegrass billbugs might have boop-able snoots, but the damage they leave behind in Iowa lawns is far from funny.
We are coming up on prime seeding time. Read here to learn more about best techniques and frequently asked questions.
Recovering from a drought takes time, food, and water (hopefully from Mother Nature). Here are helpful tips to help your lawn recover quickly from the last few months of heat stress.
Best practices for irrigation, mowing, and feeding during the heat of summer can be found here!
Cultivars matter when it comes to grasses. Read this article to learn more about how and why we select the cultivars we do for growing our Master Blend sod here at Blue Grass Enterprises.
Moles can be a huge pain for lawn hobbyists. Read more about these specialized hunters, including our best recommendations for how to trap them on your property.
Phosphorus in fertilizers has had a bad reputation for several years; it is time to rethink our attitudes (and usage) of this essential nutrient.
Plants need food to survive. Learning more about what nutrients the grasses in your lawn need and crave can help you take a step toward more informed and responsible lawn care.
Alternative mowing strategies such as “No Mow May” and “Slow Your Mow” are gaining in popularity. What does the research have to say about these strategies?
It’s fall y’all! But this year things are a little different due to crispy, dry conditions out there.
Summer annual weeds are presenting in lots of lawns right now. The good news? Mother Nature is going to kill them for you sooner, rather than later…
Someday your lawn will look like this… But it will take time, patience, and effort to get there.
Quackgrass = Sarah’s least favorite grassy weed
Poa annua may rank among the most difficult weeds to control in Iowa lawns. Read more about this unwelcome guest here!
All kinds of green spaces do all kinds of good things for our bodies, minds, and communities; we need to collectively take the next step of actively making choices that support all kinds of life and habitats for generations to come. The good news is that lawns can help.
Dogs, voles, snow plows, and salt just love to make a mess of our early spring lawns. Read here to learn how to help your plants recover quickly!
Grassy weeds can be especially frustrating to control. Check out our suggestions for control of some of the main offenders in Iowa lawns!
Fall is the best time of year to do lawn projects. Read more about your feeding options, and the importance of aeration, here!
Fall Army Worms have only visited Iowa a handful of times in the last 50 years. Read more about this rare (to us) pest here.
Yellow Nut Sedge is a common summer “water grass” (spoiler: It’s not actually a grass). Read more about Yellow Nut Sedge and what you can do about it here!
When it comes to crabgrass control (and grub control), you have options our feeding programs.
Wet growing seasons come with their lawn set of lawn challenges, including mushrooms, fairy rings, weed pressure, disease pressure, and flooding recovery. Read all about these items (and more) here!