Happy Winter, Dear Reader!
Adorable lizard in fuzzy vest? Or photo of Sarah in winter? You be the judge.
I hope this article finds you well, warm, and possibly even wrapped up in a cozy blanket because if you are anything like me, you haven’t been warm since mid-October. I raise my mug of hot tea in your general direction, fellow cold-blooded friends.
I am writing today to let you in on a “Blue Grass Insider Secret”… We have updated the 4 Step programs! cue exciting John Williams music
We are really, REALLY excited about this because, frankly, it has been a long time coming. As you know, our program is something we designed ourselves specifically for Iowa climates, soils, and grass species.
A short history: Mike, our illustrious leader, used to work in the professional fertilizer division for Scott’s, so we have had the benefit of his knowledge of “the right product, at the right rate, at the right time”. For example, if you compare the order of events of our program products to Scott’s 4-Step plan, you will notice some significant timing differences. Those differences are largely because Scott’s sells its products nationally, and are therefore generalizing their instructions for all cool season grasses, even though there are many microclimates, species, and soil-type variations across the country.
Admittedly, we have the benefit of being actual farmers who have taken thousands of soil samples from our fields over our 50+ years of history and have some solid data regarding the soil types in the area. Additionally, for several years we have been offering soil sampling as a service for building custom programs. Last year, we decided to collate that data (thank you, Ms. Amanda!!) into a giant database to analyze overall trends.
So, what did we learn?
Unfortunately, our lawns will never pump as much iron as Arnold.
On average, most of you only need one feeding of 13-13-13 a year. Last year we made the executive decision to have everyone do two feedings with 13-13-13 because there was so much damage in our community from the ongoing drought and the derecho.
We strongly encourage those of you who are new to our program to provide a soil sample ASAP. It is very likely you will need to do additional feedings of 13-13-13 throughout the year.
On average, most of you need a little bump in both Potassium and Sulfur.
On average, everyone needs more micronutrients. 13-13-13 contains a micronutrient pack. We could see those customers who have been on our program the longest have the best micro numbers, so we know it is working over time. But the vast majority of you need MORE micros.
On average, everyone needs to hold their horses on iron. Are you putting down a product that advertises itself as being high in iron? Stop. Stop right now.
Those of you who have been using our program for several years are in MUCH better shape than those who are new to our program. This definitely helps us feel like we are on the right track for long-term quality care for your lawn. And who doesn’t love when data shows you are doing something right??
So, what have we changed?
I would like to introduce you to your new Step 3: 16-4-8 w/ S & Micros. She’s an absolute beaut. Think of her like a cousin of 13-13-13. 16-4-8 is a hot blend fertilizer, meaning every granule of the product contains the same nutrients. 16-4-8 contains a micronutrient package, so you will now have two feedings with micros each year. It also has slightly less Phosphorus and Potassium, and includes Sulfur (good for disease resistance, which will be well-timed in the late summer/early fall). In our industry, we would call this type of fertilizer a “grow-in fertilizer”.
What is a “grow in fertilizer” you might ask? Think of it like a multivitamin. It is a well-balanced, chemical-free meal to heal summer stresses in plants. If you have been our customer for a while, you know we tend to prefer well-balanced meals for plants, rather than pushing one particular nutrient or mineral. Nutrients in the soil work together like a symphony, if one section is too strong it will antagonize the whole performance. To learn more about how soil health works, read about soil pH and Understanding Fertilizers.
Want some useful stats?
16-4-8 will come in 50# bags. Each bag will cover 8,000 sq/ft. This product will also pair nicely with gypsum if you are wanting to address dog spots at the end of summer.
Information about our complete 4-Step Program Options can be found here.
Want to brush up on your fertilizing technique? Check out one of my all-time favorite articles that gives some useful dos and don’ts from examples I have gathered from around town over the years.
Want another fun fact? A few weeks ago I priced our 4 Step program(s) against the Scott’s program I found at a big box store. It might surprise you to hear that we hold the title of being more affordable, in addition to including significantly better timings and nutrient inclusions/types for this area (the perks of being designed with Iowa in mind). I realize taking my word on this is a teensy bit biased, but honestly, who spends as much time thinking about this stuff as I do? Ha! Mostly I just like to share this because I think people often assume shopping locally costs more money, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes even I need a reminder to keep trying to support local folks whenever I can.
So in case you haven’t heard it today, thank you for using your dollars locally. It means so much to this community we all share. We are grateful for the opportunity to help you keep your lawn looking beautiful. And if you are still under your cozy blanket right now, just remember these three words that give me so much joy: Spring is coming.